Thursday, January 20, 2011

Love Your Lower Half

The ABsolute best firming exercises for your backside.

What you Need:
  • medium resistance band
  • a set of 5-to 10 lb dumbbells and a chair (optional)
How to do it: Do 8 to 12 reps of each exercise on each side Do the entire routine twice through three times a week on nonconsecutive days. For quicker results: Do 3 sets of 10 to 15 reps every other day and add 30 to 60 minutes of cardio, like walking, jogging, cycling most days of the week.

Side Leg Lifts
Lie on right side with legs stacked, right arm bent and head supported on right hand, left hand resting on floor in front of chest for balance. Raise left leg about 2 feet, keeping foot flexed and squeezing butt.
Pause, then slowly lower. Complete all reps, then switch sides.

Make it harder: Double up (see smaller picture)

Banded Shuffle

Stand with feet a few inches apart, and tie elastic band in loop around
shins, hands extended to front at shoulder level. Step about 3 feet to right, then bend knees and sit back until thighs are almost parallel to floor, keeping knees behind toes. Staying low, step left foot to follow. Take two more shuffle steps to right, then switch directions and repeat.

My most fave: Balancing Squat
Balance on right foot, left knee bent with foot lifted a few inches off floor in front. Keeping back straight, slowly sit back into right leg, bending right knee about 45 degrees. Pause, then press into right heel to stand up. Complete all reps, then switch sides.
(The smaller pic makes it easier for those starting out)

Another one of my faves:
Single Leg Deadlift
Balance on right foot, with knee soft and hands on hips, left leg lifted behind. With abs tight and back straight, hinge forward from hips, lowering left hand toward right foot. Pull through right leg to return to standing. Do all reps on right leg, then switch sides. To add something extra to this move reach both hands to floor, dumbbell in each hand.

*Don't forget to stay hydrated during a workout*

*Don't overdo it... you will get there soon enough*

*Most of all!!!

Staying Fab.Fit. at home

It has been a minute... I have started tackling several projects all at once. However, I have decided to cancel my gym membership and focus on building my fitness portfolio as I prepare to take the personal trainer examination in April ( I initially said March, but I need to get a few of these other endeavors squared away) Anyway, I am building an in-home gym and tracking my progress in a journey and this blog... update when I have time :) I decided to make this transistion public because most of my friends are either intimidated by the gym scene or don't want to spend the money on a gym membership. Soooo if you fit that category I am here to help you get in shape in the comfort of your home :)

How to get started??? Invest in the following:

1. A pair of sneakers that are appropriate for the activity and fit you well. We don't want to let blisters, shin splints, knee pain and tedonitis discourage us now do we??? So invest in a good pair of sneakers. I would suggest going to a store that specializes in athletic shoes like
Foot Locker, Finish Line etc.

2. Sports Bra- Choose support over style. Wider straps are better and try it on for size. Buying an ill-fitting bra can be painful.

3. Weights- Strength training should be part of everyone's routine, but which weights you buy depends on your preference.Individual dumbbells are an economical choice. Choose weights that are heavy enough that you can do 2 sets of 8 to 10 reps.

4. Yoga Mat-Yoga is popular for reducing stress, but it can also slim your stomach, improve mental function, ease backaches and more. I use to rely on the yoga classes at my local gym but I plan to use the yoga dvds I have at home. I may attend a class monthly whe
n I want to add variety to my routine.

5. Resistance Band- Resistance bands are good for toning, inexpensive, and easy to store, making them useful home fitness tools. This is great for bicep curls :)

More to Try (all suggested items)
  • Pedometer
  • Treadmill
  • Stability Ball

Your Most Important Fitness Tool is:

Monday, October 18, 2010

Channeling my INNER hIp HOp Me!!!

This is my workout playlist. I have a whole lot more on the rotation but according to my Iphone... these are the most played!!! When I first started working out I would put Pandora on and run my little heart out to "bodies I admire"... Beyonce, Rhianna and Alicia Keys...Lately, I rely on these "boys" to get me going !!! Find your INSPIRATION!!!!

This is my cool down... right before I hit the weights :)

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Include these four belly flatteners in your eating routine:

Avocado: Even though avocados are high in fat (they are monounsaturated fats aka good fat), they are packed with nutrients and vitamins. When I am dining I like to order avocado-rich meals simply because they keep me full longer. Keep in mind, I am a veggiehead so ordering steam veggies will not satisfy me but an avocado sandwich will. Tip:Dip veggie slices in 1/4 cup of guacamole for a flat-ab snack. It is YUMMY!!!

Green Tea: (one of my most fave) Drinking three cups of green tea a day can kick up your metabolism and erase 30 calories a day. I try to sip in the morning and at night at bed time. It is usually the last thing I put in my body before bed. I am sorta kinda addicted to it!!! Tip: resist the urge to add sugar. It is more effective without the sweeteners.

Yogurt: This helps prevent bloating. Opt for a probiotic-rich yogurt. I would avoid those tempting yogurts with the Oreo and M&M it is not the same. You will be loading up on poor calories. I love Activia and Oikos Greek Yogurt.Tip: Add it to your breakfast routine (like me) or snack (like the girlies).

Blueberries: Blueberries are great antioxidants. One way I focused on strengthening my core was with lots of cardio. Antioxidants improve the blood flow and gives your muscles the oxygen it needs to exercise longer, harder and often. Tip: Try them with a whole-grain waffle. Eating them raw is just as satisfying.

Friday, October 15, 2010


When it clicked: I was sick and went to see the family physician. I thought I was going to receive meds for the flu, instead it was a wake up call. I stepped on the scale and was astonished when the nurse called out, "170 pounds". I left there feeling like I needed to make a change.

How I did it: I was too ashamed to join a gym so I started working out in my family room. I would put the girlies down and work out with Leslie Sansone (a workout dvd I bought from Walmart for about 10 bucks). After losing my first 15 pounds I mustered up enough courage to join a gym and invest in a trainer. I also changed my diet. I went cold turkey and eliminated beef and pork from my diet. I filled up on veggies, worked out daily and snacked on fresh fruit.

The payoff :I am down to 125 pounds after a year and half and finally wearing a size 2.

Follow my lead:
I experiment with my meals (especially since I am officially a vegetarian), snack on almonds over chips and I don't deprive myself from indulges... I just know my limits.