Monday, October 18, 2010

Channeling my INNER hIp HOp Me!!!

This is my workout playlist. I have a whole lot more on the rotation but according to my Iphone... these are the most played!!! When I first started working out I would put Pandora on and run my little heart out to "bodies I admire"... Beyonce, Rhianna and Alicia Keys...Lately, I rely on these "boys" to get me going !!! Find your INSPIRATION!!!!

This is my cool down... right before I hit the weights :)

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Include these four belly flatteners in your eating routine:

Avocado: Even though avocados are high in fat (they are monounsaturated fats aka good fat), they are packed with nutrients and vitamins. When I am dining I like to order avocado-rich meals simply because they keep me full longer. Keep in mind, I am a veggiehead so ordering steam veggies will not satisfy me but an avocado sandwich will. Tip:Dip veggie slices in 1/4 cup of guacamole for a flat-ab snack. It is YUMMY!!!

Green Tea: (one of my most fave) Drinking three cups of green tea a day can kick up your metabolism and erase 30 calories a day. I try to sip in the morning and at night at bed time. It is usually the last thing I put in my body before bed. I am sorta kinda addicted to it!!! Tip: resist the urge to add sugar. It is more effective without the sweeteners.

Yogurt: This helps prevent bloating. Opt for a probiotic-rich yogurt. I would avoid those tempting yogurts with the Oreo and M&M it is not the same. You will be loading up on poor calories. I love Activia and Oikos Greek Yogurt.Tip: Add it to your breakfast routine (like me) or snack (like the girlies).

Blueberries: Blueberries are great antioxidants. One way I focused on strengthening my core was with lots of cardio. Antioxidants improve the blood flow and gives your muscles the oxygen it needs to exercise longer, harder and often. Tip: Try them with a whole-grain waffle. Eating them raw is just as satisfying.

Friday, October 15, 2010


When it clicked: I was sick and went to see the family physician. I thought I was going to receive meds for the flu, instead it was a wake up call. I stepped on the scale and was astonished when the nurse called out, "170 pounds". I left there feeling like I needed to make a change.

How I did it: I was too ashamed to join a gym so I started working out in my family room. I would put the girlies down and work out with Leslie Sansone (a workout dvd I bought from Walmart for about 10 bucks). After losing my first 15 pounds I mustered up enough courage to join a gym and invest in a trainer. I also changed my diet. I went cold turkey and eliminated beef and pork from my diet. I filled up on veggies, worked out daily and snacked on fresh fruit.

The payoff :I am down to 125 pounds after a year and half and finally wearing a size 2.

Follow my lead:
I experiment with my meals (especially since I am officially a vegetarian), snack on almonds over chips and I don't deprive myself from indulges... I just know my limits.